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The Lottery Fun

Where is the f(u/a)n? 

Recently our organization was instructed to sell lottery tickets. That we accepted dutifully like students back in the school.

Obviously we can’t sell all the tickets. So, we decided to distribute to all our offices in the 19 dzongkhags. Distributing those booklets added some figure to our expenses. We had no complaints. We were more than willing to carry out the order and never did we mind the burden of dispatching so many packets to our offices. 

But we were also extremely satisfied when we finally dispatched the last packet. The only task left for us was to collect the sale proceeds and submit to the concerned authority. That should have been the end of the show! 

But that was not it.

Today we were instructed to immediately stop selling the tickets. The lottery is cancelled, the email notification reads. We are asked to reimburse the buyers and collect the tickets.

Now this is where the actual fun starts. 

The current lottery tickets had no space to record the information and other details of the buyers on the counterfoils. And this would be one daunting task to collect all tickets and make the reimbursement. Our poor people in the far off places have to go after their lottery customers once again just like they did while selling them. Some of them had already finished selling and the sale proceeds were sent here.  This means we have to refund our people in various parts of the country so that they can make the reimbursement and collect tickets on time.

And as they resend the recollected tickets, we would incur another round of expenses.

This does not stop here either.

Dreams of thousands of people around the country of proudly driving home Prado would be dashed into pieces once again as they return their lucky tickets. And this takes to the final point - unless you have beauty or brain, talent for singing or exceptional skill for cracking jokes, you need to buy your own car.

As for the lottery fun, who would acknowledge our hard work? Shouldn't the concerned authority clarify this matter to our people?  

I think it makes a lot of sense to clarify our people through various media outlets so that they are informed. This would in turn speed up the reimbursement and collection process. I think the concerned authority has this moral responsibility to explain our people, far and wide.  


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