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Give it or take it

It is something everyone likes to give everyone if there are enough ears listening. And it is what you preach others something you never practice. For instance, a smoker would like to tell others, how smoking is bad and injurious to one’s health. It is like a drunkard lecturing on the harmful effects of alcohol consumption. I advise my brother to read books like he is been punished to do so, books after books. I tell him how exciting and helpful a habit reading is. But in past few months, it is as if I have taken leave from reading. That’s sad.

And my friends ask me to help them improve their writings. What can I say? I know I need to say something for they expect me say something. Yes, of course. I end up saying what thousand of writers across the world would tell them exactly. It has become some form of template. Many writers’ advice is packed in the similar fashion. So, I advise them: write something every day for the only way to learn how to write is by writing… et al

The other afternoon, I tell Bumlay how everyone is a writer. And I advise him to start with letter-writing because that allows one to truly express his/her emotions. Writing is but an organized presentation of emotions. The skill with which one organizes his/her emotions is the key separates one’s writings from the pool of others’. Then I go on to relate how constant practice betters a footballer’s ability to play well.

But do I practice what I preach Bumlay? Far from it – I have been unkind to my writing and now writing pays me in the same coin. That’s why I suffer multiple blocks constantly. And here I am already telling someone how to write. But if someone receives some form of inspiration and is benefitted, I don’t mind lying to him. Never!

On the whole advice is something everyone likes to give (including myself) but no one likes to take. Hardly does the giver of the advice follow it. Possibility is even less on the listener’s side.


  1. Haha thats really true....but i can read it well but i can't write thats so definite..hehe

  2. With a home to run and run-to-office how much you are writing is more than good oya. Look at me I have lot of promises to myself and shamelessly broken all of them.
    Well reading, even I have taken vacation. Let your book come to Bhutan. It takes a book close-to-heart to get me started.
    But if blog reading is good enough then I think we are being fair no? We read stuffs on Nopkin and so many blogs...
    But advice? No I have not given to anybody...ha ha ha

  3. Penstar, you are right again. I agree that one needs constant practice to master some passions and writing is certainly. I don't know but when I write timelessly, I see myself going better and better. Not to demean the inspirations from friends and family.

    But man, you are doing a good job. So so...keep it burning. (Preach only what you practice sa...[Smiles!])


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